Business Professionals Of America


Stroud High School Business Professionals of America

Doug Keely, Advisor

All high school students may join Business Professionals of America. This is a national organization for high school students who are/have been/plan to be enrolled in a vocational business course. Through this organization students will be given the opportunity to participate in numerous school and community wide activities that promote leadership and development of business skills. Members will also be given the opportunity to attend state and national conferences. Students may be selected to compete at state and national levels.  BPA may send interested students information pertaining to colleges and their grants and scholarships.  The dues are payable to Stroud High School BPA and are set at $25 with a few dollars going to our local chapter.

BPA OFFICERS 2024-2025

Makenzye Gouker Pres

Peyton Lee VP

Ricky McCall

Audrey Chace

Wyatt Dulaney 

Dakota Freeman

Brenden Michalski


The President

A good leader is one who can work with people and in turn get people to work with him or her for the good of the organization. He or she knows the work that has to be done and recognizes that it will take many people to do the job. The leader is able to judge impartially the interest and abilities of others and to determine where they can make the best contribution to the program. The leader keeps informed at all times of the efforts and progress of those to whom a responsibility has been given and sees that the organization is moving forward. The first duty of the president is to preside over all meetings. The manner in which this is done can make the difference between the success or failure of the chapter and its meetings. Characteristics of good leadership are indicated when:

  • meetings begin on time and proceed in the pattern established by the order of business.

  • the presiding officer shows a complete understanding of the matters under discussion and the possible effect of any recommendations on the organization.

  • the president fully understands his or her function as a presiding officer and never interjects personal opinions or in any way dominates the situation.

  • meetings are conducted by good parliamentary procedure and ample, but not excessive, time is allowed for discussion. A good president can bring the issue to a satisfactory conclusion when the discussion is being monopolized by certain individuals or when discussion is dragging because of insufficient response.

  In presiding over meetings, the president should keep the following points in mind:

  • Always have an agenda for a meeting.

  • Read the agenda and state the purpose of the meeting at the beginning.

  • Keep the meeting moving.

  • Speak clearly and audibly.

  • Prevent the meeting from breaking up into a series of private conversations.

  • Speak to the entire group, not just one individual.

  • Summarize what has been said and get a decision on a topic.

  • When discussion indicates the members are not coming to an agreement, refer the item to a committee.

  • Maintain control of the meeting without cutting off discussion.

  • Serve as an umpire, not a contestant; don’t argue with a speaker.

  • Turn the meeting over to someone else if you have a point to make.

  • Be aware of the physical comfort of all attending–temperature, drafts, lights, and thirst.

  • Before adjourning the meeting, make sure that nothing has been omitted.

  Other duties would be to: 

  • keep members on the subject and the discussion within a time limit.

  • appoint committees and serve as an ex-officio member on them.

  • call other officers to chair as necessary and desirable.

  • represent the chapter at special school events and before outside organizations.

  • coordinate chapter activities by keeping in close touch with other officers, the membership, and the advisor.

  • keep chapter work moving in a satisfactory manner by following up on progress being made on all activities.

  • call special meetings.

The Vice President

The office of vice president usually carries specific responsibilities for program planning. In most organizations, this is a major task involving many skills and much hard work. Generally, a committee is appointed to assist the vice president in determining the program topics and personnel involved, securing speakers, arranging for adequate facilities, and developing the printed program. Work on the program should start early in the year and be completed as early as possible to provide an effective and successful year of activities. 

The vice president in Business Professionals of America chapters has the specific responsibility of coordinating all Torch Awards Program activities–from encouraging members to participate to making sure the résumés are completed accurately and sent in by the prescribed deadlines. The vice president also assists the president by meeting with all committees, coordinating the program, and assuring that all activities are in keeping with general chapter practices. It is important to note that the vice president must be prepared at any time to assume the office of president when necessary.

The Secretary

A good secretary contributes much toward the efficiency of a chapter. Some chapters have one or more recording and corresponding secretaries while others have only one secretary who performs all the duties belonging to that office. Whether your chapter has one secretary or more than one, you may find the following list of suggested duties helpful. 

  • Keep a complete and accurate account of proceedings of the chapter’s business meetings and the meetings of officers. Minutes of meetings should include: a. name of organization b. kind of meeting c. place, date, and time d. name of presiding officer e. approximate number present f. all business proceedings g. reports of committees, motions stated, and action taken h. signature of secretary

  • Keep a membership list and record of attendance at meetings.

  • Serve as chairman of the membership committee.

  • Call meeting to order in absence of the president and vice president, and entertain a motion for a temporary chairman.

  • Read minutes of meetings and call president’s attention to any unfinished business.

  • Count the vote on either side, when a vote is by raising hands or standing, unless tellers have been appointed.

  • Read correspondence directed to the group.

  • Answer all correspondence promptly, and file the letters and the replies for future reference.

  • Collect and record reports of all committees and all written resolutions.

  • Advise the president on matters of business to be taken up or business procedures to be followed.

  • Include in the secretary’s book the following: a. minutes of meetings b. list of state and local officers c. list of local committees d. local, state, and national programs of work e. local and state constitutions

  The following suggestions may be helpful to the secretary in recording minutes. 

  • Use a uniform heading for reports. Such headings should include: identification of the meeting, date, place, time (usually), and members present (use number if group is large; use individual list if group is small).

  • Use underlined headings and a separate paragraph for each different item of the agenda.

  • Start a new page for the report of each meeting.

  • Allow margins on each page.

  • Use only one side of the paper.

  • Number each page.

  • Write minutes in third person.

  • In a meeting which tackles a problem or issue, state the problem, note the major points of agreement and the conclusion. If you are not certain a conclusion was reached, ask.

  • Ask the group to check the accuracy of your record when you are in doubt about their opinion on a point.

  • Record items in the order they are discussed. Notes can be cut apart and organized under headings later.

  • Collect all committee reports and attach them to the minutes. It is not necessary to take notes on the reports–only on acceptance, rejection, or modification.

  • Record the names of persons making motions. It is not necessary to record names of those seconding motions.

  • Get the motions in the words of those who made them. If necessary, ask that the motion be written out.

  • Tell the disposition of the motion.

  • Keep the minutes as brief as possible, but include all essential information.

  • State facts, not the opinions of the secretary.

  • Read the minutes at the following meeting where necessary changes and corrections are made in order to secure approval.

  • Include the minutes in the secretary’s book in the approved form, typed (preferably) or written in longhand. Sign. They then become a permanent chapter record.

  Chapter secretaries should have a copy of the Leadership Development Series booklet “2-Parliamentary Procedure Knowledge.” It contains additional information about preparing agendas and minutes.

The Treasurer

A good treasurer contributes much toward the efficiency of the chapter. He or she should be accurate, prompt, and resourceful. Suggested duties are: 

  • Serve as chairman of the finance committee.

  • Help plan the chapter budget for the year.

  • Explain the proposed budget to the officers and the members.

  • Keep accurate financial records.

  • Receive and pay out chapter funds.

  • Make a report to the members from time to time on the financial status of the chapter.

  • Collect all state and national dues, and be responsible for their disbursement to the National Center.

  • Keep financial records neat and up-to-date.

  • Devise, with the assistance of the membership and advisor, appropriate fund-raising activities.

  • Encourage systematic savings–individual and chapter thrift.

  • Assist in preparing an annual statement of estimated receipts and expenditures.

  • Protect the financial reputation of the chapter by seeing that its obligations are met promptly.

  During each local chapter meeting, the treasurer should provide a report of financial activities since the last meeting and report. Treasurer duties will vary from chapter to chapter depending on the school’s regulations for financial accounting.

The Parliamentarian

The chapter parliamentarian is responsible for the smooth running of meetings according to proper parliamentary procedure. Suggested duties include being present at each meeting to advise the presiding officer on parliamentary procedure, if necessary; being familiar with the bylaws of the local chapter, state, and national organization; study parliamentary procedure if unfamiliar with all its principles; and attending and participating in officers’ training programs. Other duties might include: 

  • Assisting chapter members in understanding the fundamental purpose of parliamentary procedure.

  • Having reference materials pertaining to parliamentary procedure available for each meeting.

  • Watching for significant irregularities in parliamentary procedure and call them to the attention of the chair.

  • Being prepared to explain any irregularity and its effect on the rights of all chapter members.

The Historian

The historian will provide pictorial and factual information to be kept as permanent records of the chapter’s activities. Suggested duties are:

  • Gather and classify chapter news.

  • Prepare news notes and articles for publication or broadcast.

  • Contact local newspapers, provide them a good photocopy or computer tiff or eps file of the logo, and supply issues of the “advance” news.

  • Send news notes to state reporters.

  • File clippings and pictures of chapter activities.

  • Complete the chapter yearbook.

  • Assist in maintaining a chapter bulletin board.

  • Supply material for reports.

  • Assist with planning and arranging chapter exhibits.

  • Arrange for Business Professionals of America participation in local radio and/or TV programs.

More Information: Okbpa


BPA Officers 2024-2025

Kamden Bray President

Peyton Lee Vice President

Aubrey Chace Officer

Dakota Freeman Officer

Wyatt Dulaney Officer

BPA Officers 2022-2023

Kamden Bray - President

Cash Wright - President

Conner Wilson - Vice President

Peyton Lee - Secretary

Autumn Patterson - Treasurer

Taylor Gunter - Historian

Makenzye Gouker - Reporter

Wyatt Dulaney - Parliamentarian

BPA Officers 2021-22

Kameron Brown - President 

BPA Officers 2020-2021

President: Kayla Peacock (2021) 

VP/Co-President: Kameron Brown (2022)

Secretary: Alexia Messer (2023)

Treasurer: Faith Ray (2022)

Parliamentarian: Emily Jackson (2023)

Reporter: Taylor Gunter (2023)

Historian: Jaelynn Whisman (2022)

BPA Officers 2019-2020

President: Maggie Neu (2020) 

Vice President: Kayla Peacock (2021)

Secretary: Faith Ray (2022)

Treasurer: Diego Arvizu (2022)

Parliamentarian: Emily Jackson (2023)

Reporter: Haley Autry (2021)

Historian: Jaelynn Whisman (2022)

BPA OFFICERS 2018-2019

President: Mary Autry (2019)

Vice President: Maggie Nue (2020)

Secretary: Adriana Cox (2019)

Alt Secretary: Lillian Gordineer (2020)

Treasurer: Jessica Autry (2021)

Alt Treasurer: Caleb Phifer (2022)

Parliamentarian: Kayla Peacock (2021)

Alt Parliamentarian: Kameron Brown (2022)

Historian: Chirsten Jones (2020)

Alt Historian: Faith Ray (2022)

Reporter: Haley Autry (2021)

Alt Reporter: Jaelynn Whisman (2022)

Sergeant at Arms:

Alt Sergeant at Arms:

BPA OFFICERS 2017-2018 

President: Danielle Stangl

Vice President: Tommie "Nikki" Howard

Secretary: Mary Ratliff

Treasurer: Emilee Adair

Parliamentarian: Tate Crauthers

Historian: Caelyn Hunter

Reporter: Christen Jones

Sergeant at Arms:

BPA OFFICERS 2016-2017

President: Taylor Pitts

Vice President: Danielle Stangl

Secretary: Peter Collado

Treasurer: Kristen Gray

Parliamentarian: Lauren Beck

Historian: Mary Ratliff

Reporter: Tommie "Nikki" Howard

Sergeant at Arms: Kendall Ackerman

BPA OFFICERS 2015-2016

President: Lauren Beck   

Vice President: Taylor Pitts

Secretary: Anna Jackson

Treasurer: Casey Ackerman

Parliamentarian: Kristen Gray

Historian: Danielle Stangl

Reporter: Peter Collado

Sergeant at Arms: Kendall Ackerman

BPA OFFICERS 2014-2015
President: Colin Salyer - Graduated
Vice President: Lauren Beck
Secretary: Taj Brown - Vacated
Treasurer:Logan Harrison
Parliamentarian: Taylor Pitts
Historian: Santana Spang - Graduated