Live Streaming logo

This link will open a new window for the Stroud Events page on

An account with NFHS Network is required to view live streamed events.  This account is free.

Login and Create Account

If you do not have an NFHS Network account, you can create one using the following instructions:

        1) Click on the above Live Stream link or navigate to

        2) Click on "LOG IN" on the top right of page.

        3) If you have an account, enter your login credentials here. If you do not have an account, click on "SIGN UP" above the password field.

        4) Enter your information and follow the instructions to complete the signup process.

How to Follow Your Teams

           1) At the top of the page, search for Stroud High School.

           2) Once you are on the NFHS Stroud HIgh School page, click the "FOLLOW" link near the top right of the page.

           3) This will allow you to easily navigate to Stroud's page by clicking your profile icon on the top right of the NFHS page, click on "Following", then click on Stroud High School.

Viewing Live Stream Events

          -All events hosted by Stroud are free to viewers, except Playoff games. Events hosted by other schools and Playoff games will require a paid subscription.
          -If a Live Stream is currently in progress, the video will appear in the middle of the page.
          -For a list of Upcoming Events or to watch past On Demand events, scroll down to those sections.

Tech Support

If you are having issues, please contact NFHS Network Tech Support:
          -Click the "HELP" button on the bottom left of any page for a pop-up chat.
          -Click "Help & Customer Support" at the bottom of any page for more support options.
          -Click HERE (HERE would be the hyperlink